Friday 2 December 2016

Chapter 2(HTML) Background Color,Text Color,Headings,Different Text Tags and how to assign image to the background .

* How to give backgound Color to HTML web page and how to change text color❓❓❔
       We can change background color of the web page with the help of tag bgcolor .bgcolor means backgound color and we can change the color of text that we wirte in html page page with the help of tag text. 
With the help of example you can see how to use these tag in html .


<BODY bgcolor="RED" TEXT="YELLOW">



First we declare html tag,head tag,title tag .after that we give title and after that we declare body tag in which we have to write all the code in body tag to change background color and text color we can use bgcolor and text as  
<BODY bgcolor="RED" TEXT="YELLOW"> we can write more other color like yellow,green ,blue
after that we write anything which we want to see that i also use br tag like
br tag means break. it is used to break the line and go to the next line in output you will see how it works .


* Different sizes of Headings in HTML

  We can use headings of different sizes in html language .there are different sizes of headings like h1,h2,h3,h4,h5 and h6.The size of h1 is very big and size of h2 is smaller than h1 and size of h3 is smaller than h2 like this in proram you will see how to write these headings .


<h1>Heading 1</h1>
<h2>Heading 2</h2>
<h3>Heading 3</h3>
<h4>Heading 4</h4>
<h5>Heading 5</h5>
<h6>Heading 6</h6>



We can use headings tag in main body of the program like 
<h1>Heading 1</h1>
first we declare heading tag after <h1> after that we can write anything which we want to display and after that we close heading tag like </h1> after that we close main body tag and html tag and save the program.


* Different Text Tags used in Html Language and how to assign image to the background
 There are diiferent types of text tags do make text bold,strong,italic,underline,strikethroungh,large and small are used with the help of program you will understand how to use these tags .

And Also how to Assign image to the background.


<BODY background="gandhi.jpg" TEXT=BLACK>

<b>Bold Text</b><br>


<i>Italic Text</i><br>

<u>Underline Text</u><br>

<strike>Strike Text</strike><br>
<s>Strike Text</s><br>





First we declare html tag head tag title tag and and give a name to title after that we close head tag .
after that we declare body tag and start writing coding and TO Assign Image To The Background
we use background in body tag as 
<BODY background="gandhi.jpg" TEXT=BLACK>
The image name that we write here should be stored on the folder where we store our program for example if we store our program on desktop that we should have that image on our desktop which we are going to assign to the background.
we also write text tag in body to give color to the text that we write and we use different text tags in html language.

For Example For BOLD
we use b tag like <b>Bold Text</b><br> we declare <b> tag after that we write anything and than close b tag </b> .we  also use strong tag for bold the text.
It is necessary to close the tag.
tag <br> is used to break the line and go to next line.

FOR ITALIC  WE USE i tag like <i>

FOR UNDERLINE WE USE u tag like <u>

FOR STRIKE  WE USE strike  tag like <strike> we also use s tag for strike like <s>

FOR LARGE TEXT SIZE WE USE large tag as <large>

FOR SMALL TEXT SIZE WE USE small tag as <small>


IF You Have any query regarding this than please post a comment.

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